Might (1-6)

 Might (1) 2/5/23

By Claudia Berdella

Might Is Right. It’s a philosophical idea that encourages the idea that might makes right. I’m not necessarily advocating for survival of the fittest or any sort of thing like it. I just think that it’s an interesting concept. I think that anyone who hasn’t given up on this world and how wretched it is, is mighty. 

Might (2) 2/6/23

Photo by me, Claudia Berdella
——the actual text of this is not available for release for another few months——-

Might (3) 2/9/23

I’ve been [re]reading Might Is Right (authoritative edition) and I can see why Anton LaVey took from it. While there are blaring contradictions and horrific things espoused within the book, there is much to ponder over, philosophical ideas that are in fact valuable. I see no difference between what Anton took from it and went with than what Christians cherry-pick from their own Bibles, or a member of The Satanic Temple choosing what is supposedly “out of context” or not. It’s a fine book, flawed, but fine. One could easily point to it as a root of bad, but have they considered the millions throughout history who have been killed by Religion? I’m fine with most-any piece of writing until it is espoused by one as the “ultimate truth”, as nothing in philosophical thought is the end-all, set-in-stone. 
“Each time we do we get the blind man's ticketAnd we know that nothing is true” -Marilyn Manson, The Death Song 

All things should be questioned. No philosophical work should be prevailed as “entire truth”, and even Might Is Right says this, so how it could become one’s Bible is only because in the last millennia humans have been taught to follow, and that they must follow something. I say follow everything, and trust nothing- test it all, pull every thread, re-sow it into a new creation!

I wholeheartedly denounce white supremacy and any ideology of the sort obviously, as it is illogical and unscientifically based in stupidity; the highest of the satanic “sins”.  However things like Fascism, Nazism, social Darwinism, and Eugenics fascinate me, not in a way that I’m searching for power (I’m not), but in that I need to understand them. 

That’s all for (3)

Might (4) 2/15/23

As I was talking about in (3), books should not be idols or bibles, and that it is stated such even in Might Is Right, which gives room for growth on the philosophy, allowing for it to change over time- old parts discarded while new articles added. This is summarized in the book itself in the poem Boldly Stand Erect in the lines pictured here:
There’s a bit more to the entire poem (of which, I think I should disavow 4 lines) but that’s the main point/bit. But, I feel these lines of the poem really speak blaringly. Obviously I pick and choose what I like and agree with in the book, but who doesn’t do that with any book? Think of the Bible and Christians, hell, even I cherry-pick from the Bible- which does in fact advocate lex talionis- and I feel there are valuable ideas in most-if not all- media. 

Might (5) 2/22/23

Biblical Lex-Talionis

In Might (4) I said that the Bible promotes Lex Talionis, and with good evidence to support that claim. The way it advocates it is quite similar to the way Ragnar Redbeard does in Might Is Right, which is fascinating and a bit funny, given how anti-Christian he was. In the book, Redbeard writes the following in promotion:
“Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom […] Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred fold.”

 And then, in the Bible, when Elisha is Jeered, it definitely shows a display of an extreme case of the silver rule ( do unto others as they do unto you), and whoever wrote the Book of Exodus quite clearly was also in favor of similar as stated here:

I see little difference between what is written here in the Bible and that of which is written there in Might Is Right. However, it seems the Biblical lex-talionis was influenced by a very interesting text called the Code of Hammurabi, which is a clear advocate of the idea just reading the first pages. 


  1. love this entire study and where you're going with it. you see to get it.


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