

By Claudia Berdella

Technology in the first world is an incessant part of everyday life. There is quite literally almost no way to completely escape from our modern advancements for even a single nanosecond. 

This begs an important question: could the majority of people in the first world actually survive if they were suddenly without the vast majority of technology available to pamper us today? Certainly, it is likely a large lot of the population would have quite a difficult time adapting to such an alien environment. 

If human life wasn’t overly pampered and needlessly artificially subsidized, then people would have a better chance. Say what you will about him, but RFK Jr. is absolutely right about how despite living in the most medically proficient time period in human history, we are sicker than ever. Ailments left and right, everyone has one thing or another it seems. Constant advertisements for some magic fixer upper— though this is nothing new. 

It could all just be psychosomatic illnesses induced by constant propaganda from drug companies causing people to fear/think they have a certain condition of a lack of health in order to make more of a profit. Edward Bernays proves such a possibility. 

The natural balance in people’s lives is incredibly disrupted. Sure, the health care is great (overpriced too) and helpful (in theory), but at the same time coddles and weakens our natural abilities of regeneration. 

Maybe a reset like mentioned earlier is needed. A Return To Nature, so to say. Let the Earth heal from the extensive and near relentless attacks we’ve besieged on it. 


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