11/22/2022-59 Years After 11/22/1963, The Day in Theory

The Day In Theory

By Claudia Berdella

This is also read aloud by me, you can find that on Internet Archive. I recommend checking it out by clicking on this text. 

Did Lee Harvey Oswald do it? I happen to think that he did, but am open to any legitimate evidence to the contrary. 

I don’t very much care that a President of the United States of America was slain in public view, I just find JFK to be an interesting cultural icon. I call him “America’s Christ” as he is Christ-like in his legacy. He was martyred im public an captured on frame 313 of the Zapruder for almost all eternity, till human traces are finally wiped from the universe. 

John F. Kennedy is a Celebritarian icon. Oswald is now a character in a web. People see him as a patsy (as he was self-described), a person in a line of shooters, a Marxist who wanted to leave his mark on the world, an FBI agent, or a number of other ideas. His action lives burned into an entire generations brain. Those I have spoken with can name exact details of when, where, and how they found out about Kennedy’s assassination. 

The camera made both the assassin and his victim(s) gods, as they died with people watching. No one can live up to either; they are American Icons. 

Marina and Jackie left to remember. 


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