8 Billion Humans “Can’t” Be Wrong

8 Billion Humans “Can’t” Be Wrong. 

By Claudia Berdella

Title a spin on the song Six Billion Humans Can’t Be Wrong by Chris Korda

In recent weeks the planet has hit the 8 billion people mark. That’s 2 billion more than 20 years ago, making our population growth rate at about a billion everyday decade. 

Why do we keep harming our own species as well as countless others? We can’t even feed or house everyone properly. We can’t keep going like this, well drive ourselves six feet under before we realize it. 

I can’t say what  needs to happen, only what I think is the best available option. In my opinion that is voluntary population reduction, nothing absolutely enforced as that’s when it turns ugly. Legalized abortion is a must, and same-sex marriage made permanently legal everywhere. Better and cheaper access to things like birth control, condoms, and sex education is ideal. And no, I don’t agree with voluntary suicide unless the person is terminally ill with no hope of getting better and to prevent a painful death. Euthanasia to the strict so to say. So in that I also believe that better access to good mental health help is a must. 

Yes this is largely inspired by the Church of Euthanasia, and rightly so in my opinion. 

Maybe we can’t and don’t deserve to be saved though. Maybe our time is up, and this is what we deserve, consequences of our own-at this point willfully ignorant- actions Maybe all we can do is entertain ourselves as the world around us burns (literally). Maybe the paper Industrial Society and it’s Future tells more truth than people give it credit for, despite many incorrect things in there.

Of course the religious fundamentalists like to think this planet is just a disposable temporary stop on the route to eternal paradise. But those people are probably wrong. We should live life to the fullest here and now, and make that available for the (possible) future inhabitants of the Earth. It’s a very satanic idea- yes, I got it from The Satanic Bible, which is a fine piece of work, but that’s not what I’m writing about here. 

We humans are apart of nature, and we should have that respect we do ourselves as we do to it. 


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