Why? A message to The Satanic Temple and their Minions

I originally did this on twitter, but at the moment I am doubting the longevity of that site. There is probably going to be more- I may continually update it. This version is also more in-depth  


                 A rant by Claudia Berdella

I’ve noticed in the months since we streamed the Might Is Right Special, and did the Summer Of Bugbee for people to actually hear, not select segments on The Infernal Church discord server (which we are the first to do, just saying), that the stigma in the Satanic world {real world} surrounding Shane Bugbee has lessened. I like to think that Baphy Myers and Myself, Nannerl (her more than any of us), and Joseph Rose of the Hail Satan Podcast. were largely part of that.

I’m not saying all stigma (as if it’s satanic to say “don’t talk to [them]) is gone, it stupidly isn’t, however much has lifted. Doogie and Co. has done much damage that still needs to be repaired. In 2023 much is coming to do that.All this is something that should have been done earlier. The documentary [propaganda film], Hail Satan? should have raised so many questions due to lack of representation of Church of Satan people, ex members (not just Jex), former collaborators, Brian Werner, and people that have valid criticisms, and even invalid criticisms. You need to tell the whole story. Like, why didn’t they put in the meeting with Mark Randazza? Why didn’t they put in the segments of Doug’s rant, prank calls, and some other unsavory things. Why didn’t they show Cevin Soling and his attempt at taking over a Cargo Cult? Why didn’t they show Doug and Shane prank calling the FBI about the term Jex used that got her ‘kicked out’? Sure that Radio Jihad wasn’t fully released to archive.org until 2020 , but you could still find it on Three Ring Radio collections. Why didn’t they show Lucien Greaves’ (Doug) illustrations of Might Is Right? 
Why didn’t they talk about his site dysgenics.com ?
His visit to Italy to “kiss the steps where fascism was born”? Where is it? Why do they sue ex-members for promoting alternative options to their abortion campaign? As they rightly can, as they haven’t once won a case… as Doug harassed their plaintiff after she wanted out of the case. Why didn’t it talk about The Process Church (a “deviant psychotherapy cult”) and it’s origins in the Church of Scientology which is the most known cult around to-date? Seriously the influences that TST have are important.

Why are they tax exempt as Christians if they’re supposedly Satanists? 

Ok that’s all for now

This writing is also my foreword for Shane Bugbee’s new book, “ SEX, LIES & USEFUL IDIOTS... FOUNDING OF THE SATANIC TEMPLETHEI THEIR SECRET BEGINNING EXPOSED.


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