Heroes and Villains


Heroes and Villians

By Claudia Berdella

Any and all traits heroes supposedly have are inhuman. To be completely righteous and dignified is humanly impossible, it’s a standard only a pure masochist could look up to, a collection of goodguy badges. What a hero is, is extremely subjective- if a “villain” wins, then he is the hero as the victor gets the gold and history is written by the winner(s). 

Heroes and villains are such a false dichotomy of us vs. them, black and white, solipsistic form of dualistic thought. What in the world could be so dualistic? Humans certainly don’t understand that if there were always only two sides to anything, nothing would ever get done. A third side perspective can show what a hero actually is; a hero is only as valid as one believes a lump of flesh and calcium to be. Once you believe in something in such absolutes, it loses all its power as humans are incredibly and inherently flawed creatures and the hero will inevitably fuck up. Villians are much the same, once a villain triumphs over the hero due to their fuck up, they become the hero and the hero becomes the villain. It’s a swinging pendulum that won’t stop if everything is so diluted that there are only two parts of anything. It’s a bipolar idea, one day a state of maniacally uplifting, then depressive after the bomb goes off after a bomb goes off due to the “hero”. 

Any self proclaimed and supported hero should be seen as the fake that they are just as someone who flouts their badguy badge should be seen for the fool they are. 


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