
 “Chaos created government” 
— KMFDM, “Anarchy

And government creates chaos. There is no end to chaos, everything is chaotic— “chaos is peace.. Blackness, blackness intolerable, before the beginning of the light. This is the first verse of Genesis. Holy art thou, Chaos, Chaos, Eternity, all contradictions in terms.” (Crowley: The Book of Lies). 

Everything down to the atoms and their subatomic particles is in constant vibration and action, ripping one another’s electrons away and losing another of their own: there is very little absolute stillness. 

Think of how in Greek mythology, everything was birthed by Khaos, which was like a primordial soup not dissimilar to the Nietzschean idea about what was there before and will be there after the death of the universe as pushed by Brian Cox and Sir Roger Penrose. This Khaos birthed Gaea who birthed Ouranos who together birthed the titans who molded men and birthed gods into being and so on.

The Earth we stand on itself is the result of rocks in space violently smashing together, gravity tugging inward once the rocks started to mass together and compress them into the rocky worlds we now know. The Big Bang was an explosion that continues to expand. Humans enter this process through childbirth, whether by c-section or pushed, there is no birth without blood or chaos.

The Chaos of WWII created the atomic bomb; the chaos of the 1960s created the groundwork for the chaos of the transgressive Art That Kills generation which led to the modern sociopolitical zeitgeist; the chaos of 2020 accelerated hypernormalisation in the western world. Chaos creates and destroys, just look at the Aesthetic Terrorists mentioned previously: solve et coagula. 

It’s like a pendulum with no set track, swinging to and from every-which-way to an uncountable number of angles without a stop.


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