The Infernal Church interviews Me

Matt Vicious: Claudia let me interview you. How does it feel to be the first young generation to be Independent by majority?

Claudia:It’s not too different from the younger generation in the 60s, we aren’t unique.

Matt Vicious: But you have smartphones and will live with your parent until 30. I'd say that's different.

Claudia:Yeah probably, but that’s not really our faultThe gov made inflation skyrocket and, gen-Z is pretty hypernormalized

Matt Vicious: How do you feel betraying the Republican party even though as a satanist you are most identifiable to that party?

Claudia: Fine. I’ve never been a Republican anyway. Hell, even last year I was pretty left wing. Plus I’m not even registered to vote or anything, I’m not a member of any party— they’re all retarded.

Matt Vicious (last one from Matt): If you could run for president, which party would you choose to work with and why?

Claudia: None because of previously stated reasons.

Andrew: Who is your role model?

Claudia: No one person in particular. I have a lot of people I draw from. 

Andrew: Waffles or pancakes?

Claudia: Pancakes with strawberries in them. And blackberries. 

Andrew: Do you think George Bush did 9/11? 

Claudia: He certainly doesn’t have clean hands in that scenario. 

Andrew: When did you first hear about Satanism? 

Claudia: Seventh grade watching Supernatural… didn’t really think anything of it though at the time.

Andrew: What religious background do you have?

Claudia: None. 

Andrew: When did you start researching more about Satanism?

Claudia: when I found a copy of The Satanic Bible in my freshman year English teacher’s classroom, it was on his bookshelf and undoubtedly still is. And here we are four years later.

Andrew: Do you consider yourself a Satanist? If yes, for how long have you?

Claudia: Yes, I do and have for four years. 

Andrew: Any recommendations for people who may align with Satanism?

Claudia: Study and action, not worship and pretentious stupidity; believe nothing, test everything.

Andrew: Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Claudia: Sioux City Sarsaparilla. 

Andrew: Do you recommend following the scientific method of investigation?

Claudia: If the circumstances call for it— I tend to just dive in head first and reflect on the process later to be honest. Fuck around and find out, which I guess is like the scientific method, just simplifying the phrase.

Andrew: Philosophy you stand with?

Claudia: Believe nothing, test everything.

Andrew: What is your stance on capitalism?

Claudia: Nothing solid.

Andrew: Stance on socialism?

Claudia: Nothing solid.

Ștefan: Are your parents religious? 

Claudia: Not that I can see. 

Claudia: Yes. I’m aware of the anarchist library. 

Andrew (final question): Is going to black mass and rituals a must to consider yourself a Satanist?

Claudia: The Black Mass is for anyone of a religious background to completely strip themselves of any remaining baggage, it’s not necessary. I would say though, I think every Satanist should ritualize at least once.

End of interview.

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