
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Ludicrousness of Partisan Politics and Participation in the Culture War & Claudia's guide to surviving the culture war

  The Ludicrousness of Partisan Politics and Participation in the Culture War Given the current sociopolitical climate I feel most people who actively participate in partisan politics are only aiding people who should have never gotten into any position of political power. Trump and Biden are idiots on the same side of the same coin, as are any and all democrats and republicans. Both sides are kept in power because they continue to perpetuate the culture war which keeps the masses subjugated in the fear from the other side .  “Oh the left is grooming your children into ideologies of gender” “Oh the right wants to evangelize your kids…” If people are dumb enough to think these are different things then maybe there should be a system of sterilization in place in hopes it’s not a recessive dysgenic gene.  Both hope to brainwash children into believing things that are unfounded and ludicrous at their bases.  Claudia’s guide to surviving the culture war.  Try to participate in partisan poli

Random Celebritarian script I wrote in German a year ago

  Random Celebritarian script I wrote in German a year ago  Er sir tot, wir sind verdummt, wir kreuzigen ihn mit all unseren süden und krankhceiten und machen ihn als Märtyr. Er hat einen Pulsier enden Tumor von all unseren Fehlern Donner ist das Alpha aunt Omega, das Licht und das Denkel, Gut und Böse. Der kopf muss mit dem Tumor Wenn Jack an Baptist wäre, würden wis Wein aus seimmkopf trinken. Dies muss getan werden, um ihm heilen. Es is swine Medizin Das ist Entwicklung Und die Waffe Drei Tage gedauert, er ist live

The Bottom Feeders Frenzy

  The Bottom-Feeders Frenzy [ 1 ] By Claudia Berdella This was the real secret. Annihilation. Nothing else. A chemical pulse that dissolved finally in violet light. No stories. Now we would always be frightened.   - Joseph Kanon, Los Alamos [ 2 ] As the Apex predator with zero competition or predatory threats to challenge, the human species is as a result a naturally destructive and hostile towards one another. Humans likely would not be able to survive if we stopped preying upon our own [ 3 ] .  Ever-lasting peace is unnatural . Humans are cannibalistic [ 4 ] in almost every sense of the word , however most do not like to even consider entertaining the notion of legitimately consuming another, though an argument can be made that the Catholics are the most prevalent practitioners of this taboo practice through their pseudo-enactment by eating the metaphorical body and blood of Christ at communion (and the Bible is quite pro-cannibalism at the core). People are cannibalistic in a more

Heroes and Villains

  Heroes and Villians By Claudia Berdella Any and all traits heroes supposedly have are inhuman. To be completely righteous and dignified is humanly impossible, it’s a standard only a pure masochist could look up to, a collection of goodguy badges. What a hero is, is extremely subjective- if a “villain” wins, then he is the hero as the victor gets the gold and history is written by the winner(s).  Heroes and villains are such a false dichotomy of us vs. them, black and white, solipsistic form of dualistic thought. What in the world could be so dualistic? Humans certainly don’t understand that if there were always only two sides to anything, nothing would ever get done. A third side perspective can show what a hero actually is; a hero is only as valid as one believes a lump of flesh and calcium to be. Once you believe in something in such absolutes, it loses all its power as humans are incredibly and inherently flawed creatures and the hero will inevitably fuck up. Villians are much the

A Case for Dueling

  A Case for Dueling  By Claudia Berdella I am of the opinion that duels should be brought back. Dueling presents a simple, yet swift and effective method of Lex Talionis, in which both (or more) parties of a given situation can work out a dispute.  To have a duel, the involved parties would need tot get into a contract, laying out the details and set up of the duel; location, weapons (or lack thereof) used, time, and such things. Of course, the duel would have certain limitations pertaining to things like weaponry used, atomically are clearly off the table as they only insure a never ending standoff, to which if it ever ended uninvolved parties would be negatively affected for years to come. Likewise, location would also be limited in some aspects, obviously there would be no duels allowed to be conducted on any sort of school grounds- no duels would be beneficial at a preschool. Age limitations would also be imposed as it would be impractical to allow second graders to butcher their