
Showing posts from November, 2023

A Rehashed Golden Bash

A Rehashed Golden Bash Is the Golden Rule not fulfilled by the Silver Rule ? The Golden Rule says to do unto others as you would have them do unto you and as such should those subjugated by this literary piracy   are oddly upset when one fulfills it and treats one how they ask to be treated. But of course they do get upset, given followers of such insanity never expect a taste of their own medicine as they expect the one they do unto to abide by their rule, and as such when given this taste instantly go into the mode of victimhood, as victimhood is powerful while their actions are misplaced masochism.  “We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves.” ―  Marilyn Manson  " There's a certain segment of the population for whom being victimized is the ultimate form of heroism..." -Boyd Rice  "Is it natural for enemies to ‘do good’ unto each other and, what is ‘good? Can the torn and

Assisted Termination Legalization- Outline for possible bill

In life there is possibility of incurable, painful illness and those with such have to endure, costing them tremendous amounts of money and living in agony. To combat this the legalization of assisted suicide is a possible and useful implementation.  Canada implemented this concept too loosely and idiotically, and wound up recommending suicide to anyone with any sort of ailment regardless of age. In order to implement it properly, the parameters must be clearly defined and strictly enforced.  Parameters: - Legal adult with ailment that’s incurable  - Ailment is incurable, agonizing and destroys any pleasure of life  - Have more than one doctor agree to this being the correct viable option (though if they are wrong and say no to the person, can always do it themselves).  Exemptions: - Church of Euthanasia (1A protections) - Individual commits unassisted suicide  - Individual has alternative worthwhile options to explore Most of all it would be the choice of and brought up by the individ