

 Dependency By Claudia Berdella Technology in the first world is an incessant part of everyday life. There is quite literally almost no way to completely escape from our modern advancements for even a single nanosecond.  This begs an important question: could the majority of people in the first world actually survive if they were suddenly without the vast majority of technology available to pamper us today? Certainly, it is likely a large lot of the population would have quite a difficult time adapting to such an alien environment.  If human life wasn’t overly pampered and needlessly artificially subsidized, then people would have a better chance. Say what you will about him, but RFK Jr. is absolutely right about how despite living in the most medically proficient time period in human history, we are sicker than ever. Ailments left and right, everyone has one thing or another it seems. Constant advertisements for some magic fixer upper— though this is nothing new.  It could all just be

The Fockin Witch

 The Fockin Witch By Claudia Berdella Both Love and Hate, Want a sledgehammer to your face It’s so pretty  Double in every way petty No loyalty  And full of hypocrisy  Love and hate incessant Uncertainty on which it really is It seems so fake Such is my hindsight.  Lu I fucking love you but hate you. Happy birthday. 

Death Perspective

 Death Perspective   By Claudia Berdella It’s strange how death is viewed in a sad, negative light by the majority of people. Death is the natural and inevitable byproduct of life. Life is the great indulgence, that’s what makes it worth living. Death is the absence, the end of life; but the corpse will get repurposed and used by other forms of life found on earth.  Humans are not the only animal saddened by death, but we are the ones who make a big deal about it. Take pigs or dogs for example. The difference is, humanity has a tendency to make things into ceremonies. And that is understandable but it’s incredibly demeaning in my opinion that most of it is dark, grim and depressing. Shouldn’t the ceremony celebrate the life someone lived while they could and hold it to their standard of achievement within it? It seems much more productive to celebrate life than make death a miserable end when in reality if you just live, death comes peacefully. Humans have a somewhat solipsistic perspe

August 12, 2024 releases

  Coffee: On That Note: Heresy: Perversion/Return To Nature:


 Coffee By Claudia Berdella A cup A pour To end the snore, From days of yore Coffee wakes one up

Perversion/Return to Nature

  Perversion/Return to Nature  By Claudia Berdella There is nothing special, About the prole's There is little of value  To the bourgeois’ A return to the wild Away from the fraudulent guile  Is necessary, For surviving a long while  Governments and law No longer hold us in awe They are but plagues Making man’s last days  All double-talk And nothing of stock  Illusory rights With few deeds of Might The noise wraps tight For man’s endless night  The freest man, In living time Was behind bars Until he died Based on lies Without air, all is unfair No water The Tree’s burn in red glare Animals starve And yet we dare Attack them everywhere  “Are we not part of this world?” Is man not an animal? Do we not wish to survive? Perhaps this is Darwin’s one true lie Survival of the Fittest  Has been ruined by the fattest  Consume! Consume! Consume! The propaganda asserts Be reliant, on those not yourself  As we are, “All in this together” Such is a deception A collectivist perversion Trying a s


 Heresy By Claudia Berdella Thought crime is the way of politics and social groups. Don’t like or agree with the principles of a group? Heresy! Don’t like how something is gone about? Heresy! For heresy’s one is ousted and called a traitor. It might not be a horrific torture awaiting you and reprogramming, but the very disdain of those who you would agree with and align with most everything else on. Humans are tribal. Puritanism never does, ignorance is strength.  When everyone is a Puritan, no one is pure. Such is the nature of witch hunts which lead to purges. In modern discourse, these purges are things like the blind cancellation of someone for things alleged against without enough evidence to make any real decisions. It’s the ousting and attack on a person or people for a supposed impurity from the conventions of the popular culture surrounding them. And, if it is impure, then you’re probably doing something correct.  If one has to claim they have some sort of moral high ground, t

On That Note

On That Note By Claudia Berdella Morals, laws and decalogues are all the creation of humans. However, the majority of people view these things as inherent pillars of human society which are irreversible. This viewpoint may be for the best given the amount one may hear from certain demographics which are more superstitiously inclined which states that if one didn’t have these laws in place that people would be raping, killing and pillaging one another to no end. What this statement really says is that of projecting what that person would probably do if they felt they could get away with it. On another hand, it is also a good thing for the iconoclasts of the world to challenge those perspectives of objective morality and stagnation. 

An Unhealthy Relationship

An Unhealthy Relationship  By Claudia Berdella As an animal, humans really neglect that fact. Humans destroy their own, not really seeing that once all the other species go, we’re next if we don’t nuke ourselves into oblivion before reaching that point.  In nature, there is a healthy relationship in environments between predators and prey. When the predators grow too large in population and overrun the prey, they are forced to move or starve as a result of destroying their food supply; when there are too few predators, the prey has a population increase which can disrupt the nature around them, depleting their food supplies… It’s a self-perpetuating system of balance which keeps things running.  Humans dramatically and to a catastrophic extent break this cycle. We move in, remove and obliterate the environment and species within. The only predatory animal which contests humanity, is itself.  For more on this go to my articles The Bottom Feeders Frenzy  or  The Way It Is .