Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Run in with some Jehovah’s Witnesses


The literature I got from them

Today (11/23/2022) I was on a school trip to a few museums, and while my friends and I where wandering around looking for someplace for them to eat (I already got iced coffee, so I was not in need of any sustenance) when my friend said, “look Claudia, Bible people.” I turned and looked, and low and behold, there where some people handing out pamphlets and booklets (all of them pictured above), so I pressed record on my phone and walked across the street to talk with them. As it turns out, they were Jehovah’s Witnesses, so I knew I had to be careful as they are in a cult, and could respond badly to anything they felt was hostile, so I spoke with them for about two minutes, they were nice to me so I reciprocated that. The conversation you can actually find right here

Now, as I said, they are in a cult, and I find that quite sad, but I believe in education about cults and such. So here is a playlist on cults from an ex-Jehovah’s Witness

Anyway I think I’m going to make audiobooks of what they gave me, so be on the lookout for that soon. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

11/22/2022-59 Years After 11/22/1963, The Day in Theory

The Day In Theory

By Claudia Berdella

This is also read aloud by me, you can find that on Internet Archive. I recommend checking it out by clicking on this text. 

Did Lee Harvey Oswald do it? I happen to think that he did, but am open to any legitimate evidence to the contrary. 

I don’t very much care that a President of the United States of America was slain in public view, I just find JFK to be an interesting cultural icon. I call him “America’s Christ” as he is Christ-like in his legacy. He was martyred im public an captured on frame 313 of the Zapruder for almost all eternity, till human traces are finally wiped from the universe. 

John F. Kennedy is a Celebritarian icon. Oswald is now a character in a web. People see him as a patsy (as he was self-described), a person in a line of shooters, a Marxist who wanted to leave his mark on the world, an FBI agent, or a number of other ideas. His action lives burned into an entire generations brain. Those I have spoken with can name exact details of when, where, and how they found out about Kennedy’s assassination. 

The camera made both the assassin and his victim(s) gods, as they died with people watching. No one can live up to either; they are American Icons. 

Marina and Jackie left to remember. 

Friday, November 18, 2022

8 Billion Humans “Can’t” Be Wrong

8 Billion Humans “Can’t” Be Wrong. 

By Claudia Berdella

Title a spin on the song Six Billion Humans Can’t Be Wrong by Chris Korda

In recent weeks the planet has hit the 8 billion people mark. That’s 2 billion more than 20 years ago, making our population growth rate at about a billion everyday decade. 

Why do we keep harming our own species as well as countless others? We can’t even feed or house everyone properly. We can’t keep going like this, well drive ourselves six feet under before we realize it. 

I can’t say what  needs to happen, only what I think is the best available option. In my opinion that is voluntary population reduction, nothing absolutely enforced as that’s when it turns ugly. Legalized abortion is a must, and same-sex marriage made permanently legal everywhere. Better and cheaper access to things like birth control, condoms, and sex education is ideal. And no, I don’t agree with voluntary suicide unless the person is terminally ill with no hope of getting better and to prevent a painful death. Euthanasia to the strict so to say. So in that I also believe that better access to good mental health help is a must. 

Yes this is largely inspired by the Church of Euthanasia, and rightly so in my opinion. 

Maybe we can’t and don’t deserve to be saved though. Maybe our time is up, and this is what we deserve, consequences of our own-at this point willfully ignorant- actions Maybe all we can do is entertain ourselves as the world around us burns (literally). Maybe the paper Industrial Society and it’s Future tells more truth than people give it credit for, despite many incorrect things in there.

Of course the religious fundamentalists like to think this planet is just a disposable temporary stop on the route to eternal paradise. But those people are probably wrong. We should live life to the fullest here and now, and make that available for the (possible) future inhabitants of the Earth. It’s a very satanic idea- yes, I got it from The Satanic Bible, which is a fine piece of work, but that’s not what I’m writing about here. 

We humans are apart of nature, and we should have that respect we do ourselves as we do to it. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Why? A message to The Satanic Temple and their Minions

I originally did this on twitter, but at the moment I am doubting the longevity of that site. There is probably going to be more- I may continually update it. This version is also more in-depth  


                 A rant by Claudia Berdella

I’ve noticed in the months since we streamed the Might Is Right Special, and did the Summer Of Bugbee for people to actually hear, not select segments on The Infernal Church discord server (which we are the first to do, just saying), that the stigma in the Satanic world {real world} surrounding Shane Bugbee has lessened. I like to think that Baphy Myers and Myself, Nannerl (her more than any of us), and Joseph Rose of the Hail Satan Podcast. were largely part of that.

I’m not saying all stigma (as if it’s satanic to say “don’t talk to [them]) is gone, it stupidly isn’t, however much has lifted. Doogie and Co. has done much damage that still needs to be repaired. In 2023 much is coming to do that.All this is something that should have been done earlier. The documentary [propaganda film], Hail Satan? should have raised so many questions due to lack of representation of Church of Satan people, ex members (not just Jex), former collaborators, Brian Werner, and people that have valid criticisms, and even invalid criticisms. You need to tell the whole story. Like, why didn’t they put in the meeting with Mark Randazza? Why didn’t they put in the segments of Doug’s rant, prank calls, and some other unsavory things. Why didn’t they show Cevin Soling and his attempt at taking over a Cargo Cult? Why didn’t they show Doug and Shane prank calling the FBI about the term Jex used that got her ‘kicked out’? Sure that Radio Jihad wasn’t fully released to until 2020 , but you could still find it on Three Ring Radio collections. Why didn’t they show Lucien Greaves’ (Doug) illustrations of Might Is Right? 
Why didn’t they talk about his site ?
His visit to Italy to “kiss the steps where fascism was born”? Where is it? Why do they sue ex-members for promoting alternative options to their abortion campaign? As they rightly can, as they haven’t once won a case… as Doug harassed their plaintiff after she wanted out of the case. Why didn’t it talk about The Process Church (a “deviant psychotherapy cult”) and it’s origins in the Church of Scientology which is the most known cult around to-date? Seriously the influences that TST have are important.

Why are they tax exempt as Christians if they’re supposedly Satanists? 

Ok that’s all for now

This writing is also my foreword for Shane Bugbee’s new book, “ FOUNDING OF THE SATANIC TEMPLETHEI THEIR SECRET BEGINNING EXPOSED.

irresponsible hate

  the ads, like the Snoop Dogg one , "combating hate " don't combat it, they bastardize it just as much as the people they wan...