Thursday, September 21, 2023

The Ludicrousness of Partisan Politics and Participation in the Culture War & Claudia's guide to surviving the culture war


The Ludicrousness of Partisan Politics and Participation in the Culture War

Given the current sociopolitical climate I feel most people who actively participate in partisan politics are only aiding people who should have never gotten into any position of political power. Trump and Biden are idiots on the same side of the same coin, as are any and all democrats and republicans. Both sides are kept in power because they continue to perpetuate the culture war which keeps the masses subjugated in the fear from the other side.

 “Oh the left is grooming your children into ideologies of gender”

“Oh the right wants to evangelize your kids…”

If people are dumb enough to think these are different things then maybe there should be a system of sterilization in place in hopes it’s not a recessive dysgenic gene. 

Both hope to brainwash children into believing things that are unfounded and ludicrous at their bases. 

Claudia’s guide to surviving the culture war. 

  1. Try to participate in partisan political debates as little as possible 

  2. Get multiple perspectives, especially the third side ones

  • eg: the trans debate:

  1. Go into every situation from an unbiased standpoint, learn about it from the situation, then expose yourself to opposition to that situation with the same mindset. 

I would also recommend checking out the wonderful Karlyn Borysenko

Remember: third side perspectives are always a superior option. 

Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. 

Random Celebritarian script I wrote in German a year ago


Random Celebritarian script I wrote in German a year ago

  1.  Er sir tot, wir sind verdummt, wir kreuzigen ihn mit all unseren süden und krankhceiten und machen ihn als Märtyr.

  • Er hat einen Pulsier enden Tumor von all unseren Fehlern

  1. Donner ist das Alpha aunt Omega, das Licht und das Denkel, Gut und Böse. Der kopf muss mit dem Tumor

  1. Wenn Jack an Baptist wäre, würden wis Wein aus seimmkopf trinken. Dies muss getan werden, um ihm heilen. Es is swine Medizin

  2. Das ist Entwicklung

  1. Und die Waffe

  1. Drei Tage gedauert, er ist live

Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Bottom Feeders Frenzy


The Bottom-Feeders Frenzy[1]

By Claudia Berdella

This was the real secret. Annihilation. Nothing else. A chemical pulse that dissolved finally in violet light. No stories. Now we would always be frightened.  - Joseph Kanon, Los Alamos[2]

As the Apex predator with zero competition or predatory threats to challenge, the human species is as a result a naturally destructive and hostile towards one another. Humans likely would not be able to survive if we stopped preying upon our own[3]

Ever-lasting peace is unnatural. Humans are cannibalistic[4] in almost every sense of the word, however most do not like to even consider entertaining the notion of legitimately consuming another, though an argument can be made that the Catholics are the most prevalent practitioners of this taboo practice through their pseudo-enactment by eating the metaphorical body and blood of Christ at communion (and the Bible is quite pro-cannibalism at the core). People are cannibalistic in a more psychic vampire[5] sense of things, they devour one another because people love the abuse as it makes the abused feel like they are needed[6], and the sadist fee like the lion who kills the weaker animal for sport rather than food; death is a carnal entertainment. The psychic vampires are inherently bottom feeders who drain everyone else’s resources and energy. 

Being naturally self destructive, humans are the only known species to create means of omnicide in order to feel safer, war is truly peace. Though the Cold War ended decades ago, the threat of mutually assured destruction[7] still is most people’s faith in settings of atomically stocked superpowers. Yet there is a likely possibility that the creation of the nuclear bomb was the beginning of the end of human history l, as it would be the ultimate omnicidal[8] act if atomic combat ever occurred. 

That would make July 16, 1945 at 5:29AM[9] the final moment of the human era on earth. The father of the atomic bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer himself realized this, as did many of those present during the Trinity test and is characterized in his famous quote:

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, ‘Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.’ I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.[10]

As well as George Kistiakowsky after viewing the explosion: 

This is the nearest thing to doomsday that one could possibly imagine. I am sure that at the end of the world — in the last millisecond of the Earth’s existence — the last human will see what we saw.[11]

This quote certainly bodes disturbing inside the mind upon consideration, but if one pairs it with the seventh Satanic Statement as written by Anton LaVey:

Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his “divine and intellectual development” has become the most vicious animal of all![12] 

it is not much of a surprise. Pair this with the idea of the Great Filter[13] that the reason we have yet to encounter any other intelligent species is because they destroy themselves before they are able to travel the cosmos as a mission, and it’s the natural order of things. 

The conclusion to this is that there is no conclusion, it is an open and ever-going idea that will persist until the human race is finished. 

Friday, September 1, 2023

Heroes and Villains


Heroes and Villians

By Claudia Berdella

Any and all traits heroes supposedly have are inhuman. To be completely righteous and dignified is humanly impossible, it’s a standard only a pure masochist could look up to, a collection of goodguy badges. What a hero is, is extremely subjective- if a “villain” wins, then he is the hero as the victor gets the gold and history is written by the winner(s). 

Heroes and villains are such a false dichotomy of us vs. them, black and white, solipsistic form of dualistic thought. What in the world could be so dualistic? Humans certainly don’t understand that if there were always only two sides to anything, nothing would ever get done. A third side perspective can show what a hero actually is; a hero is only as valid as one believes a lump of flesh and calcium to be. Once you believe in something in such absolutes, it loses all its power as humans are incredibly and inherently flawed creatures and the hero will inevitably fuck up. Villians are much the same, once a villain triumphs over the hero due to their fuck up, they become the hero and the hero becomes the villain. It’s a swinging pendulum that won’t stop if everything is so diluted that there are only two parts of anything. It’s a bipolar idea, one day a state of maniacally uplifting, then depressive after the bomb goes off after a bomb goes off due to the “hero”. 

Any self proclaimed and supported hero should be seen as the fake that they are just as someone who flouts their badguy badge should be seen for the fool they are. 

A Case for Dueling

 A Case for Dueling 

By Claudia Berdella

I am of the opinion that duels should be brought back. Dueling presents a simple, yet swift and effective method of Lex Talionis, in which both (or more) parties of a given situation can work out a dispute. 

To have a duel, the involved parties would need tot get into a contract, laying out the details and set up of the duel; location, weapons (or lack thereof) used, time, and such things. Of course, the duel would have certain limitations pertaining to things like weaponry used, atomically are clearly off the table as they only insure a never ending standoff, to which if it ever ended uninvolved parties would be negatively affected for years to come. Likewise, location would also be limited in some aspects, obviously there would be no duels allowed to be conducted on any sort of school grounds- no duels would be beneficial at a preschool. Age limitations would also be imposed as it would be impractical to allow second graders to butcher their peers, leave it to abortion and contraceptives to thin out the population; so the minimum age for duels would be 18, with small leeway for 17 years and emancipated. 

Duels wouldn’t be the end all with death, if one yields, the duel is over and they have forfeited their end of whatever the conflict at hand would be and was contractually decided upon. A contract is enacted whenever a duel is planned, it is carefully negotiated and designed by (at least) three lawyers: two lawyers to represent the two people, and one unbiased one to fix and settle any disputes between parties on or with the contract. 

Duels would not be to settle everyday, petty disputes, if an issue like that occurs, there are numerous simple solutions to get through that without murdering each other, and a duel would be counterproductive in the long run. A duel would be a force for self-governance without the need for the involvement of law enforcement. 

  • that is my own rambling on a hypothetical way to instate dueling into the system, none of it is set in stone; it is assumption based on assumption. 

irresponsible hate

  the ads, like the Snoop Dogg one , "combating hate " don't combat it, they bastardize it just as much as the people they wan...