Friday, March 8, 2024

Trouble-making, Symbols, Sounds, Experiments

 Trouble-making, Symbols, Sounds, Experiments

The stuff I made sure, and I mean very sure that it got into the book The Founding Of The Satanic Temple, was apparently deemed too obscene for selling and distribution which led to it being temporarily taken down. It just makes me realize how insane simple words are, they’re that powerful. I’ve always known that words hold a lot of weight (I am a writer after all), but never expected to be part of the reason dealing with such dark and taboo topics (eugenics, prez stuff, pretty much most of the darkest stuff in that book i made sure got in there) and having it lead to Amazon trying to refuse to sell it over being too “obscene”.
But, the fact that some simple words got the same sort of outcry that a swastika in public would receive is insane to me— the only difference is, is that the swastika is a symbol which evokes a multitude of emotional reactions, which on some level can be indescribable with words… although, the German language is usually the best bet to coming even close to conveying such things, just ask Nietzsche. I still think symbols convey more power and meaning than words— they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I beg to dream and differ, a picture worth only a thousand words isn’t doing its intention, however on another angle, it might be better when images are so powerful it leaves people speechless; a thousand words is simultaneously an infinite too small and a thousand too many.
  1. Let’s actually turn this into a social/mental experiment. I am going to put some images and symbols below and you, dear whoever it is reading this, should contact me and describe in as much detail as you can what mental processes were evoked from each one.
  2. this^ is my favorite piece of art btw, random sidenote. 
    This isn’t exclusive to still-images and symbols alone, if you ever have had the time to watch 2001: A Space Odyssey, you more than likely know that feeling of indescribable existentialist dread in a very Nietzschean sense which can be evoked from it. That isn’t even by the film alone, the music chosen by Stanley Kubrick seems very much an intentional move, designed to invoke this feeling in people. The use of sounds to create emotional/mental response isn’t new, it’s why the sub-bass frequencies used in the Paranormal Activity franchise are so effective at inducing unease within the viewer. I remember having some very occult conversations with numerous people on a few occasions, where we discussed the idea of simultaneously playing sub-bass frequencies as well as binaural beats (which are typically erotically stimulating sounds) and seeing the (possible) observable provocations made by the pairing of the two. Of course this is still a hypothetical, but i would like to study and experiment with the concept to find some results, then move on to do the same through combining other mentally stimulating noises and seeing their effects. I, myself probably being the initial test-dummy in each one, and then probably make some sort of short film with most all the things written here and the intention to provoke emotional responses of any kind.
  3. The behavior and processes of humans is quite interesting. That’s really where this led to as its point with the majority of what is written here— also to tell you dear reader to BUY DA BOOK!! and to just talk about my thoughts on learning of the trouble I made at/with Amazon for things I knew to be integral to the book when we were making it laast year. Thanks for reading, and to anyone who messages me about the images like I requested, I will add each response below. -C.B.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Humanism vs. Satanism

 Humanism vs. Satanism

By Claudia Berdella

The oxford dictionary defines humanism as, "an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems."
While there are areas of likeness between the two, there are major differences.

Just as humanism emphasizes "common human needs" and the importance of the human being, satanism also does. However satanism takes it from an I-theist perspective-- self-deification and individual success rather than for any collective good. Satanism agrees on the emphasizing of human needs, but in a very carnal and fleshy way (1966: the year flesh became law).  

Satanism disregards the notion of "the potential value and goodness of human beings" and views value more meritocratically while taking a more Nietzschean stance, beyond good and evil[1][2], after all, Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all.[3][4] 
Humans aren't solely rational creatures, but Satanism triumphs rationality over the lack thereof (hence why Stupidity is the top sin in satanism), Satanism advocates for Lex Talionis[5][6] as the rational solution for human conflicts and humanism would beg to differ on that given the stressed "potential value" of humans.

To end this is excerpted from The Satanic Bible which goes over the differences between Satanism and Humanism not touched upon here.

"Satanism is based on a very sound philosophy," say the emancipated. "But why call it Satanism? Why not call it something like 'Humanism' or a name that would have the connotation of a witchcraft group, something a little more esoteric - something less blatant." There is more than one reason for this. Humanism is not a religion. It is simply a way of life with no ceremony or dogma. Satanism has both ceremony and dogma. Dogma, as will be explained, is necessary...

irresponsible hate

  the ads, like the Snoop Dogg one , "combating hate " don't combat it, they bastardize it just as much as the people they wan...