Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Reich History

 Reich History

By Claudia Berdella

View of the Sobibor extermination camp, 1943 

Studying the Holocaust is an interesting and tolling task when gone in-depth and below what the general surface level of understanding of it is. There are so many intricacies that go along with it. Of course, most people will know, recognize and have a basic understanding of the big names of it: Auschwitz, Dachau, and sometimes Buchenwald. However, what most do not know, is that Auschwitz was one of six extermination camps. The closest in operations was Majdanek, then the other four being Chełmno, Belzec, Treblinka and Sobibor. Nor are people aware of the torture (and somewhat transit) camp Neue Bremm, or similar subcamps. Many know about the twin experiments done at Auschwitz by Josef Mengele, but very little is circulated about those done on Polish women— “The Rabbits”— at the Ravensbruck concentration camp by Fritz Sischer, Karl Gebhardt and Herta Oberhausen. The Ravensbrück camp itself is a fascinating part of Reich history; it was a camp consisting of only female inmates where Jews were typically (until 1944) the smallest group imprisoned— and that’s not because they were instantly killed, the main prisoners were simply not typically Jewish, they mainly housed Jehovah’s Witnesses, Soviets, Political enemies, as well as asocials and deviants (like lesbians, and that resulted in quite a bit of homosexual intercourse to occur in the early years of the camps existence). In fact, after the last of the extermination camps shut down, Ravensbrück became a temporary one with at least two known gas chambers (and a suspected third in a train car, but any real evidence has been destroyed along with most witnesses should it have been there). For more on the Ravensbrück camp, the book Ravensbrück: Life and Death in Hitler’s Concentration Camp For Women is a wonderful resource on it. 

Obviously, it is a topic which is inherently hard to look into (possibly because people don’t want to admit they have just as much a capacity to enact similar), it reveals harsh realities of human nature, and it’s just not something most people will look into past what they’re taught in school, which frankly, isn’t much. While this is certainly the case, there will always be people willing to research such things, and luckily for as much as the SS tried to destroy the evidence of a lot, they extensively recorded their doings so it is not hard to find direct information from the ones enacting the genocide. There is always a book or file (though, sadly quite a bit is hidden in Russian archives and isn’t accessible). 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024



“All you need is love”
False, you can’t have love without hate.
“Love thy enemy”
And let them walk all over you. What sense does this make? None, it is antithetical to the self preservation of any animal, including humans.
“Love will change the world”
If only this incessant claim for the last 2000 years, you know, since that emaciated jew on a stick, was more than a platitude.
“Love thy neighbor”
If they deserve such a strong emotion, sure. 


 “Chaos created government” 
— KMFDM, “Anarchy

And government creates chaos. There is no end to chaos, everything is chaotic— “chaos is peace.. Blackness, blackness intolerable, before the beginning of the light. This is the first verse of Genesis. Holy art thou, Chaos, Chaos, Eternity, all contradictions in terms.” (Crowley: The Book of Lies). 

Everything down to the atoms and their subatomic particles is in constant vibration and action, ripping one another’s electrons away and losing another of their own: there is very little absolute stillness. 

Think of how in Greek mythology, everything was birthed by Khaos, which was like a primordial soup not dissimilar to the Nietzschean idea about what was there before and will be there after the death of the universe as pushed by Brian Cox and Sir Roger Penrose. This Khaos birthed Gaea who birthed Ouranos who together birthed the titans who molded men and birthed gods into being and so on.

The Earth we stand on itself is the result of rocks in space violently smashing together, gravity tugging inward once the rocks started to mass together and compress them into the rocky worlds we now know. The Big Bang was an explosion that continues to expand. Humans enter this process through childbirth, whether by c-section or pushed, there is no birth without blood or chaos.

The Chaos of WWII created the atomic bomb; the chaos of the 1960s created the groundwork for the chaos of the transgressive Art That Kills generation which led to the modern sociopolitical zeitgeist; the chaos of 2020 accelerated hypernormalisation in the western world. Chaos creates and destroys, just look at the Aesthetic Terrorists mentioned previously: solve et coagula. 

It’s like a pendulum with no set track, swinging to and from every-which-way to an uncountable number of angles without a stop.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Infernal Church interviews Me

Matt Vicious: Claudia let me interview you. How does it feel to be the first young generation to be Independent by majority?

Claudia:It’s not too different from the younger generation in the 60s, we aren’t unique.

Matt Vicious: But you have smartphones and will live with your parent until 30. I'd say that's different.

Claudia:Yeah probably, but that’s not really our faultThe gov made inflation skyrocket and, gen-Z is pretty hypernormalized

Matt Vicious: How do you feel betraying the Republican party even though as a satanist you are most identifiable to that party?

Claudia: Fine. I’ve never been a Republican anyway. Hell, even last year I was pretty left wing. Plus I’m not even registered to vote or anything, I’m not a member of any party— they’re all retarded.

Matt Vicious (last one from Matt): If you could run for president, which party would you choose to work with and why?

Claudia: None because of previously stated reasons.

Andrew: Who is your role model?

Claudia: No one person in particular. I have a lot of people I draw from. 

Andrew: Waffles or pancakes?

Claudia: Pancakes with strawberries in them. And blackberries. 

Andrew: Do you think George Bush did 9/11? 

Claudia: He certainly doesn’t have clean hands in that scenario. 

Andrew: When did you first hear about Satanism? 

Claudia: Seventh grade watching Supernatural… didn’t really think anything of it though at the time.

Andrew: What religious background do you have?

Claudia: None. 

Andrew: When did you start researching more about Satanism?

Claudia: when I found a copy of The Satanic Bible in my freshman year English teacher’s classroom, it was on his bookshelf and undoubtedly still is. And here we are four years later.

Andrew: Do you consider yourself a Satanist? If yes, for how long have you?

Claudia: Yes, I do and have for four years. 

Andrew: Any recommendations for people who may align with Satanism?

Claudia: Study and action, not worship and pretentious stupidity; believe nothing, test everything.

Andrew: Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

Claudia: Sioux City Sarsaparilla. 

Andrew: Do you recommend following the scientific method of investigation?

Claudia: If the circumstances call for it— I tend to just dive in head first and reflect on the process later to be honest. Fuck around and find out, which I guess is like the scientific method, just simplifying the phrase.

Andrew: Philosophy you stand with?

Claudia: Believe nothing, test everything.

Andrew: What is your stance on capitalism?

Claudia: Nothing solid.

Andrew: Stance on socialism?

Claudia: Nothing solid.

Ștefan: Are your parents religious? 

Claudia: Not that I can see. 

Claudia: Yes. I’m aware of the anarchist library. 

Andrew (final question): Is going to black mass and rituals a must to consider yourself a Satanist?

Claudia: The Black Mass is for anyone of a religious background to completely strip themselves of any remaining baggage, it’s not necessary. I would say though, I think every Satanist should ritualize at least once.

End of interview.

The Infernal Church discord server: 

    irresponsible hate

      the ads, like the Snoop Dogg one , "combating hate " don't combat it, they bastardize it just as much as the people they wan...