Thursday, January 26, 2023



Picture and drawing by me  

The infamous. The horrific. 
The most talked about underground recording ever made. 

Internet Archive statistics say that around (a little over) 4,000 people have listened to it… I was the first person I knew who had listened to the full 24 hours… until the Summer of Bugbee. And 9 other times I listened to it. 

This is really just to say that if you haven’t listened to it in full and try talking/debating with me about it I will not listen or reciprocate as I have done the work of listening to it, in order for even footing you must do the same. 

Rammstein as a Celebritarian Band

 Rammstein is a Celebritarian band, by celebritarian standards. They do with performances what Marilyn Manson does… It’s a mirror, a time machine, mockery, and truth. From the little march that Til does to the imagery and aesthetics. 
The music videos, and most blaringly obvious example would be that of Deutschland, which gives the love and hate to the country (of Germany), past, present, and possible future(s). 
Even going so far as to quote the Nazi anthem in the song. 

Like Manson, they were blamed for Columbine, though, unlike Manson, Eric and Dylan indeed did listen to Rammstein.


Anyway that’s all, I just wanted to share that observation… it was inspired by this video:

The Lone Wolf

 The lone wolf
Only exists 
In a pack

Wolves are
By nature

People are
Social by
Choice and nature 

You can work
As the pack
With the-
social contract 

But the pack
Can lead-
to abhorrent deeds

It’s up to you 
Or is it.

Update a day later, this reminds me of this quote:
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual […]”
-Ayn Rand
Update 3 days after originally posting it, Shane Bugbee tweeted something I feel is in line with this writing:

Also this quote here feels in line as well:
“I became aware of my destiny: to belong to the critical minority as opposed to the unquestioning majority”
-Sigmund Freud

A Spontaneous Thought of Occult Wisdom

 I was just sitting down, then I had a thought about something that was said in my most recent recorded conversation (will link the convo once it gets released) with Shane Bugbee, and I realized that it’s the same concept as the phrase ‘Solve et Coagula’.

What he said was (paraphrased) was about pulling a thread until whatever was made up of it was unraveled, but can be reassembled into something new and/or better. 

mini zine