The Lone Wolf

 The lone wolf
Only exists 
In a pack

Wolves are
By nature

People are
Social by
Choice and nature 

You can work
As the pack
With the-
social contract 

But the pack
Can lead-
to abhorrent deeds

It’s up to you 
Or is it.

Update a day later, this reminds me of this quote:
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual […]”
-Ayn Rand
Update 3 days after originally posting it, Shane Bugbee tweeted something I feel is in line with this writing:

Also this quote here feels in line as well:
“I became aware of my destiny: to belong to the critical minority as opposed to the unquestioning majority”
-Sigmund Freud
2/19/23 update: this quote from Nietzsche resonates with this I feel;
“Aristotle says that in order to live alone one must either be an animal or a god. The third alternative is lacking. A man must be both; a philosopher.” - Friedrich Nietzsche


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