Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Screen

I may be a misanthrope, but I love human contact… kind of, see; I disdain most people, they live as if they were on TV (are we on the other side of the screen?) and it’s depressing to interact with people so traumatized by reality. That said, I enjoy the occultic variety- there is where the fascinating ones lie; the ones who will discuss oh so taboo topics that most deny their interests in (repression of carnal instinct). However I am quite comfortable being a staunch individualist, though some times this comes to a detriment to my mental health, but I can and know certainly well how to deal with that in appropriate ways. I may be a social animal, however socialization is a subjective experience, I have my own natural homeostasis point for such experiences. 
People are weird little creatures, and I’m no different 

Apocalyptic Writings by Claudia Berdella

Is it inconceivable?
This planet won’t be leave-able

We will not survive 
Our Armageddon fable

We will reap what we sow
And long for that time oh so long ago 
The human experiment will end, something new may coagulate from it’s bones. It may not end tomorrow, but it will happen one day…

On the same lines as this podcast episode:
Collapse and Occultism with John Michael Greer

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Current TST connection to Might Is Right

The Satanic Temple is NOT as separate from Might Is Right as they want people to think they are (for the last decade they’re been screeching “wElL Anton LaVey stole from Might Is Right” (which in actuality only makes up 2% of the entire 200+ pages in The Satanic Bible)) and have neglected to remember their own founder’s history with the book, as well as showing they’ve never read either book.

As you can see, this is their “invocation

And in the invocation it clearly says, “let us reason our solutions with agnosticism in all things, holding fast only to that which is demonstrably true.

Compare that excerpt with this one from the book, Might Is Right:

Sagacious spirits doubt all things, and hold fast only to that which is demonstrably true.

Maybe I’m just stupid and superstitious (which I doubt the latter, and understand that to a degree I am stupid, as is everyone). However that seems like a direct rewording of that said in Might Is Right… and to prove I didn’t make this shit up, here’s something that’s not a screenshot of the Facsimile Edition;

(Authoritative Edition)

For more on my research into Might Is Right, click here.

To find my original twitter thread on this, click here.

irresponsible hate

  the ads, like the Snoop Dogg one , "combating hate " don't combat it, they bastardize it just as much as the people they wan...