No, Anton LaVey was Not A Fascist

 No, Anton LaVey Was Not a Fascist 

By Claudia Berdella

The idea that Anton LaVey was some sort of fascist is quite ludicrous if you begin to weigh in all the factors of his persona and personal beliefs. For some right off the bat he was:
-Anti-collectivism (fascism is notoriously collectivistic by nature)
-Pro-individualism (fascism is contrary to this with its religious jingoism)

To quote Marilyn Manson on the subject, 
LaVey had been accused of being a Nazi and a racist, but his whole trip was elitism […] doesn’t judge people by race or creed but by the attainable, equal opportunity criterion of intelligence”-The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

Pictured (L-R): Manson, Anton, Traci Lords, Karla LaVey

This picture of LaVey that Marilyn Manson paints is coherent with that of his daughter-and only child of his conscious for the founding and building of the Church of Satan- Karla. In an interview conducted by Shane Bugbee in 2022 she explicitly states that while her father wasn’t a complete SJW he was for individual freedom and free thought, the reason he would associate with some fascist leaning characters was out of pure curiosity and interest in the taboo- he was a fry cook and new how to communicate with most anyone, and at times would relay the information and people he learned from as any proper journalist would. 
"My father was not a white supremacist, neo Nazi, or fascist. He instilled values in me that I can speak with authority on & his associations with people like Boyd Rice were not in alignment with those views. That's very important to know."-Bugbee interview, 2022
Artist and filmmaker Carl Abrahamsson details in an interview that while Anton himself was personally staunchly apolitical, the closest label to define him as (which, ew, labeling someone who didn’t have one) would be libertarian, which isn’t really synonymous with fascism- fascism transcends the political compass and engulfs it at the same time. 

Echoing Karla and Abrahamsson, publisher and multimedia extraordinaire Shane Bugbee details similar in both the interview with Karla he did and in numerous points of the Might Is Right 20th Anniversary Livestream

Now, of course Might Is Right has to be brought up because it’s a common point “against” the black pope. 

Baphy Myers did a well done expose on this this subject, so that is copied here for the topic and to close off this article: 

Might is Right and The Satanic Bible

The Satanic Bible (original edition) dedication page: (image one)

The Pages of The Satanic Bible containing copied and rearranged material from Might is Right: (image 2)

Shane Bugbees republished versions of Might Is Right containing forward from Anton LaVey: (images 3-6)

Anton LaVeys forward: (image 7-8)

Anton LaVeys Final interview (regarding Might is Right):

Quotes from Dr.LaVey

A fractional content of Might is Right was edited for inclusion, because the book is so filled with glaring contradictions that it is at best a rant. It was that very rant format, however, that had fired me up, and in many ways, spoke for me. ... I intended Ihe Satanic Bible itself to be an "instructional rant," albeit a necessary and largely rational one. ... I decided to immortalize a writer who had profoundly reached me.

- Anton Szandor LaVey

"My sources were Sibley Morrill and Virginia Harner...members of the "Magic Circle" - The Order of the Trapezoid, which was to become the Church of Satan. Some of Jack London's unreleased writings were stored at the prestigious Bancroft Library, where Mrs. Harner worked as a long-time custodian and researcher. She was, at that time, a close friend of Sibley Morrill, a researcher and writer on esoterica without equal. ...Mrs. Harner and Mr. Morrill arranged to let me see the "forbidden London material.

Among stacks of manuscripts, appeared entire sections of Might is Right in London's own hand. Elated as I was, I was not surprised, knowing what I did of Jack London. If London didnt author what I saw, he liked it so much he made his own copy."

- Anton Szandor LaVey

"What I saw (upon discovering Might is Right in 1957) should not have been in print. It was more than in-flammatory. It was sheer blasphemy."

-Anton Szandor LaVey

Hail Anton LaVey! Hail Ragnar Redbeard! Hail Satan!


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