Orwellian Holy Wood 1

 The Orwellian Theme in Holy Wood and other references on the album. 

Disposable Teens: The Beatles, sex.

In this track, Manson refers to the song Revolution 1
You say you want a revolution.../ You say you want an evolution...                                                                                -The Beatles

Then Manson: 

You said you wanted evolution
The ape was a great, big hit

You say you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit


Now, the Orwell quote: "You're only a rebel from the waist downwards," he told her
And in the song: A rebel from the waist down

President Dead

This is for the people that watch you
In the world of 1984, everyone is under constant surveillance from the government, and each other without end; through visual means via the telescreen or auditory from hidden microphones.

Gettin high on violence, baby
During seminars and the rally's of Hate Week the people of Oceania are expected- programmed- to become enraged and go into a wreck-less frenzy upon the sight on the screen of Goldstein, the black sheep of the Party. This implication of necessary destruction has a seeming effect on the populus, especially the children... think of Winston's neighbors, the Parsons, whose children happily attacked W. Smith for the thrill of attacking what they (correctly in-fact) saw as an alleged thought criminal.

For more on the world of Holy Wood: 


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