The Outer-Outliers


The Outer-Outliers

By Claudia Berdella

There will always be outliers, even among other outliers. I think outliers who are outliers among other outliers is where you will find the most interesting, smart people… the least quasi-satanic ones. I feel little need to expand here, as it’s the “born not made” concept- if you are one, you get it, and if you don’t then just accept you’re not. 

Many outliers today are of that nature by choice, for the identity. But then there’s those who are born (naturally) so, and when they find the group of outliers-by-choice they often face ousting due to not conforming to these groups uniform-nonconformity. The establishment of an establishment based on anti-establishment is contradictory and dangerous- it’s a forgetfulness of past orthodoxies. It is better to have a loosely aligned collective of outlaws with their own thoughts and perspectives than to have an establishment of people abiding by the same fundamentals. 


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