The Way It Is


The Way It Is

By Claudia Berdella

Barbarism is the way of humanity. Civilization as a creation of human hand, is barbaric— civilizations will always conquer others for territory, resources, retaliation, economic or political purposes. Such is how any groups of people go about things all in the past, present and future. 

To change from this way is unlikely to be achievable— it’s quite doubtful humans could survive if they quit preying upon one another. The only possible route would be to digitally upload our consciousness to a system which is programmed to prohibit man’s more vicious and violent tendencies; in essence, it would be removing a piece of human nature, an integral one.

That then comes up with the question of: if we start removing parts of our natural inclinations how human would we be? Could humans truly survive if their brutal sides get removed? It’s unlikely altogether as well as over-idealistic and ludicrously utopian. 

Now, that is not to negate more transhumanist concepts of bettering the species through merging it with technology, physically. In fact those types of endeavors would likely be extremely beneficial to people. However, still being an animal, these advancements would be nothing more than more shiny tools. 

What could help lessen the viciousness of humans? Well, there’s an interesting therapeutic tool known as psychodrama. Psychodrama is essentially a ceremonial release of emotion; if people spent more time sticking needles into dolls, screaming into pillows or simply having a good orgasm it is likely that a lot more productive things would happen— after all, one must take care of themselves first; “The man who cannot value himself cannot value anyone else.”— Ayn Rand. But this is not to say it would rid society of the less popular inclinations that humans have: murder would still occur, rape would still take place, children would still be abused… Such things are present in any group of people and begrudgingly quite impossible to entirely remove. The issue is, not everyone can do such things that would be beneficial to themselves in physical and emotional ways due to the prevalence and continued perpetuation of sterile and decadent philosophies that repress and attack human nature due to the faith (lack of thinking) in spiritual pipe dreams and hypocritical self-deception. As an example of this, the Catholic Church has done this guilt trip on instinct so masterfully for centuries… oh and look what it did to the children. 

There is nothing healthy about such extreme repression of such inherently there things. Take the aforementioned Catholic Church again as an example: due to their carnally repressive rules, laws and decalogues, has created an untold number of priests and clergy who enact their releases onto vulnerable children. If these “holy men” were simply able to have a good orgasm without any stigma attached to it of some illusory sin he is committing, it is likely that less would need to be moved around and hidden after being exposed for his pedophilic activities, as they would be decreased by the allowance of exercising their instincts… although, on the other hand a good orgasm might kill someone so repressed. 

In spite of all these ideals presented as means to divert the barbaric nature of humans, they will probably never fully work. Instinctive drift is not mutually exclusive: humans also experience it despite our attempts at self-domestication. I end this with the same conclusion I came to when writing The Bottom Feeders’ Frenzy: the only way to truly escape the more destructive aspects of our nature, is to go extinct. 


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