

By Claudia Berdella

Thought crime is the way of politics and social groups. Don’t like or agree with the principles of a group?
Don’t like how something is gone about?
For heresy’s one is ousted and called a traitor. It might not be a horrific torture awaiting you and reprogramming, but the very disdain of those who you would agree with and align with most everything else on. Humans are tribal. Puritanism never does, ignorance is strength. 

When everyone is a Puritan, no one is pure. Such is the nature of witch hunts which lead to purges. In modern discourse, these purges are things like the blind cancellation of someone for things alleged against without enough evidence to make any real decisions. It’s the ousting and attack on a person or people for a supposed impurity from the conventions of the popular culture surrounding them. And, if it is impure, then you’re probably doing something correct. 

If one has to claim they have some sort of moral high ground, they do not. Morals are, on a broad level, a human construct to control; and on a personal level, individual likes and dislikes. As such attempts and displays to show off just how moral one is, are just meaningless and pathetic goodguy badges. Such is the nature of Puritanism. 

Iconoclasts are necessary in the world, and it’s a shame that real iconoclasts are so few and far between. But it makes sense, despite the billions in the universe the best and brightest stars are just the same. 


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