Death Perspective

 Death Perspective

 By Claudia Berdella

It’s strange how death is viewed in a sad, negative light by the majority of people. Death is the natural and inevitable byproduct of life. Life is the great indulgence, that’s what makes it worth living. Death is the absence, the end of life; but the corpse will get repurposed and used by other forms of life found on earth. 

Humans are not the only animal saddened by death, but we are the ones who make a big deal about it. Take pigs or dogs for example. The difference is, humanity has a tendency to make things into ceremonies. And that is understandable but it’s incredibly demeaning in my opinion that most of it is dark, grim and depressing. Shouldn’t the ceremony celebrate the life someone lived while they could and hold it to their standard of achievement within it? It seems much more productive to celebrate life than make death a miserable end when in reality if you just live, death comes peacefully. Humans have a somewhat solipsistic perspective in they believe they are monoliths which will last forever and that death is a hinderance. I disagree, human impact is so incredible because of the biological clock we have. 

Like any other animals, man’s main goals are survival and the continuation of the species. Such makes sense and is honorable. However, due to the emotional development, death is viewed as an abominable event when it’s simply a natural inevitability. Of course, an animal will fight for its life when it needs to, or if not in the case of combat just find a peaceful spot to die. Of course I can’t and won’t discount grief experienced over loss, it’s understandable and makes absolute sense to care for one’s own. Personally though I am more or less indifferent to death at this point in life (and I have experienced it enough to be at this point), I cherish the people worthwhile while I can so I can be proud to say I knew them while they lived. 


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