Some Thoughts on Repression

 It’s quite obvious that sexual repression and proper sex education leads to violence. Just think about it. If Robert Berdella’s homosexual inclinations weren’t repressed and discouraged by his Catholic upbringing, it’s likely he wouldn’t have been the monster he became. Same goes for any other killer of the nature, from Gacy to Dahmer. Though, Richard Rhamirez could be an exception to this idea, as he was influenced by his Vietnam Vet uncle who would get high/drunk and recant stories of breaking into houses and raping the Vietnamese women during the war to a young and impressionable Ramirez. If Ed Gein was born in a more modern day, where transsexuality was not as much of a taboo as it was then, it’s doubtful he would have made suits out of human flesh. 

That’s all for now on this. 


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